Our Sponsors and Partners
Each July, our sponsors take centre stage at the Crail Festival by supporting performers, artists, organisations, and venues to realise their creative potential at the Crail Arts Festival.
We would love to welcome new sponsors and partners to our Crail Festival family. We're here to help and love a chat, so don't hesitate to contact us.
Gold Sponsors
East Neuk Dental Practice, 9 East Shore, Anstruther, KY10 3AB, 01333 311033, www.eastneukdentalpractice.co.uk
Kilconquhar Castle Estate, Kilconquhar, Leven, KY9 1EZ, 01333 340501, www.kilconquharcastle.co.uk
Kingsbarns Distillery, East Newhall Farm, Kingsbarns, KY16 8QE, 01333 451300, www.kingsbarnsdistillery.com
The Cowshed, Sypsies Farmhouse, Crail, KY10 3XA, 01333 824121, www.thecowshedcrail.co.uk
The Shoregate, 67 High Street, Crail, KY10 3RA, 01333 451815, www.theshoregate.com
The W M Mann Foundation, 201 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HZ, 0141 2484936
Silver Sponsors
James Aird and Sons, 18 West Green, Crail, KY10 3RD, 01333 450837, www.jamesairdcrail.co.uk
A & M Ireland and Sons, Ashburn House Caravan Site, St Andrews Road, Crail, KY10 3UL, 01333 450314
The Golf Hotel, 4 High Street, Crail, KY10 3TD, 01333 450206, www.thegolfhotelcrail.com
High School of Dundee, Euclid Crescent Dundee, DD1 1HU, 01382 202921, www.highschoolofdundee.org.uk
The Scottish Fisheries Museum, St Ayles Harbour Head, Anstruther, KY10 3AB, 01333 310628, www.scotfishmuseum.org
Bronze Sponsors
Crail Golfing Society, 01333 450686, www.crailgolfingsociety.co.uk
J B Penman Butchers, 38 High Street, Crail, KY10 3RB, 01333 450218
The Inn at Kingsbarns, 5 Main Street, Kingsbarns, KY16 8TA, 01334 880778, www.theinnatkingsbarns.co.uk
Major Sponsors
Ardross Farm, Elie, KY9 1EU, 01333 331400, www.ardrossfarm.co.uk
Beach Walk House, Crail, 07719 211073, www.beachhousewalk.com
Crail Bowling Club, Kirkmay Road, Crail, KY10 3RY, 07711 206201, www.crailbc.org.uk
Crail Fish Bar & Café, 35-37 High Street, Crail, KY10 3RA, 01333 450159
Crail Pharmacy, 18 High Street, Crail, KY10 3TE, 01333 450935
Dan’s Goods, 2 High Street, Crail, KY10 3TD, 01333 451818
Dos Mundos, 15 Rodger Street, Anstruther, KY10 3DU, 01333 278127, www.dosmundos.co.uk
East Neuk Veterinary Clinic, Netherton Estate, Station Road, St Monans, KY10 2DW, 01333 739199, www.eastneukvetclinic.co.uk
Fabrik, 11 High Street North, Crail, KY10 3TA; 01333 450233, www.vanessabullick.co.uk
Green’s, 14 High Street, Crail, KY10 3TD, 01333 450010
Henderson Black & Company, 26 Rodger Street, Anstruther, KY10 3DU, 01333 310585, www.hendersonblack.co.uk
Morton of Pitmilly Countryside Resort, Kingsbarns, KY16 8QF, 01334 880466, www.pitmilly.co.uk
Pets Pantry, 54-56 High Street East, Anstruther, KY10 3DH, 01333 311890, www.petspantry.scot
Sandcastle Holidays (Scotland) Limited, 0131 4764011, www.2crail.com
Scotland’s Secret Bunker, Crown Buildings, Troywood, KY16 8QH, 01333 310301, www.secretbunker.co.uk
Shell’s, 41 High Street, Crail, KY10 3RA, 01333 450200
St Leonards School, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9QJ, 01334 47216, www.stleonards-fife.org
Stuart Barton Physiotherapy, 15 East Shore, Anstruther, KY10 3AB, 01333 311651, www.stuartbartonphysiotherapy.com
The Beehive, 28 High Street, Crail, KY10 3TE, 01333 451079, www.thebeehivecrail.co.uk
The Honeypot Guesthouse and Tearoom, 6 High Street South, Crail, KY10 3TD,01333 450935 www.honeypotcrail.co.uk
The Pittenweem Chocolate Company & Cocoa Tree Café, 9 High Street, Pittenweem, KY16 2LA, 01333 311495, www.pittenweemchocolate.co.uk